
Marketing Research

Throughout my career, I've generated reports and insights to help guide strategy for marketing teams. These include primary research using programs such as Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, and focus groups. It also includes industry research combing through secondary research and deducing key take-a-ways for executive teams. 

Industry Research

This research was commissioned by a freeze-dried food company looking at expanding their reach into new markets. There was a growing concern about climate change and many companies are starting to create products for Americans interested in contributing to saving the planet. 

Climate Change Marketing Plan

Website and SEO Audit

This B2B company was looking to expand their understanding of how they could move into the e-commerce world. They had historically done most of their sales through a few key contracts and were looking to expand that B2B pipeline. 

Freeze-Dry SEO and Website Audit.pdf

Primary Research

In 2008, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was researching and publishing books that involved historical documents from the Church's origins. They asked our team to test the publications with audiences before publication to ensure that this wouldn't create a PR problem for the Church.  

Marketing Strategy

I've worked for multiple businesses establishing marketing strategy, channel strategy, and audience strategy to help accomplish the goals of a business. 


I prepared a integrated marketing strategy for RootsTech, the world's largest genealogy conference. It included audience defintion, message creation, tactics, and calendars. This information was used to create hiring decisions and to help identify potential strategies for the in-person conference. 


Campaign Architecture Recommendations

While working in multiple businesses, I've recommended, implemented, and worked through a campaign architecture. These recommendations help businesses be more effective with their marketing dollars.

Campaign Design and Strategy Alignment.pptx

Marketing Segmentation

While conducting research, I've also used data to create marketing segments. Using R language, I can identify how natural groupings of customers present themselves in the data. I can identify common demographics of those clusters and create audience personas. Then, using qualitative information from observations and other departments, we can determine other commonalities such as names, industries and interests. I've used this to help new businesses find customers, help establish personas in entire markets, and assist well-established businesses in understanding their customers better. 


MiniPlex was a business concept for smaller movie theaters with the flexibility for families with small children or private screenings for individuals or small groups. Since this was my business concept, I distributed the survey to 476 respondents with a 80% completion rate. 

In the end, I used this information to segment respondents into groups and identify key markets for the business. We identified key pain points in the industry and potential solutions for customers. 

Final Project.pptx

Prepper Market

In 2011, the Prepper market was in full swing and businesses needed to understand how to target their marketing to different audiences. I worked with an agency to generate these audiences that helped create key demographics, improve advertising spend, and optimize messaging. 

This research also helped the business with strategy in acquiring new businesses and how those different businesses would compete and work together. 


In 2022, I worked with FamilySearch to create marketing segments based on activity levels of the database. Our team worked with R and Adobe Analytics to identify 4 key segments that helped product teams identify who was using their products and helped marketing teams target their messages to the right audiences. This was presented to the CEO and other executive stakeholders. 

Marketing Message Creation

After segmenting audiences, my next step is match the audience's desired benefit with the offering of the company. Through the previous steps of research and profiling, this allows us to make sure our messaging is targeted to the customer's interests and not just the company's. Finding a mutually beneficial relationship is the key to messaging correctly. 

Ready Store

While at Ready Store, we acquired two other e-commerce businesses: Daily Bread and Food Insurance. We were asked how we could position these businesses so they didn't compete with each other while also optimizing existing customer basis. After research, I identified messages that resonated with each of these brands that made clear differences between the marketing material. This allowed the business to have a different look and feel for each brand while also speaking to the correct audiences. 


Before I worked at FamilySearch, I made recommendations to their marketing leadership team about how their marketing messages were resonating with potential audiences. I conducted surveys with different messages and reported on results. This research shifted the marketing team's content strategy and encouraged them to establish relationships with university researchers. 

FamilySearch Presentation

Marketing Creative and Tactics

Now the rubber hits the road. It's time to connect the messages with the right audience at the right time. The trick is being able to determine how to communicate with the right audience. How does your audience want to receive the message? When is the right timing and what marketing medium will yield the best results?

Marketing Data Analytics and Measurement

If you don't measure a marketing campaign, was it ever really successful? Maybe, but you'll never be able to brag about it! Measurement is one of the most key elements of marketing. Gauging how well your campaign did compared to the benchmarks or compared to what you thought it would do, is very important. I've been able to create executive leave KPI reporting using Power BI, Google Sheets, Tableau, Google Analytics, and Excel. 

E-commerce Dashboards

This e-commerce dashboard included reports on daily sales volumes, average order value (AOV), conversion rates, and more! They were even broken out by marketing channel, call center, and third party vendors. This dashboard was a center of truth for all channel managers and synced with our e-commerce websites, Google Analytics, Facebook, Google Ads, and Zendesk.

Adobe Analytics Reports

Using Adobe Analytics, I created reports for the RootsTech events marketing team to help them understand pacing towards their goals of registrations, virtual attendees, and website product usage. These dashboards were segmented so that executives could get the information they wanted, regional teams could find information specific to their region, and channel managers could understand the success of specific creatives in market. 

Power BI Dashboards

Creating Power BI dashboards was a major initiative for FamilySearch. I led the project by syncing data between different platforms - including paid, email, SMS, social, and SEO - creating a single source of truth. This identified how each channel was contributing to key metrics for the business and were used daily by the teams. 

Data Presentation Best Practices

After much research, classes, and reading Cole Knaflic's book on data visualization; I established a data visualization standard for FamilySearch. This template could be used for best-practices in creating PowerPoint presentations with data. It also taught the user which visuals were the best for which story-telling device and cautioned against some common practices. This template was used countless times around the company and was particularly used in quarterly business reviews and weekly data meetings. 

Data Visualization Templates.pptx

Marketing Operations and Project Management

A marketing campaign is only as good as its execution. I have years of experience with managing teams of marketers - from creatives to channel managers, from programmers to executive stakeholders. Below are examples of project charters that I've created. I've used programs such as Asana, Monday.com, Basecamp, Microsoft Projects, Trello, and Workfront to manage workloads and projects. 

Project Plan