My Process

Marketing Research

Corporate Surveys. I've designed corporate surveys to better understand customers and dig into information that explains more complicated demographics and situations

Primary Research. I've conducted primary research including surveys, interviews, and and observations. To the side, you can see examples of research that was conducted for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 

Secondary Research. I have years of collecting secondary research using previous surveys, collection and cross-reference of online collected data and more.

Industry Research. I have experience with collecting and cross-referencing industry research including whitepapers and industry summaries

Marketing Segmentation

After collecting information, the next step is to create clusters. Using R, a programming language for statistical computing and graphing, I can identify how natural groupings of customers present themselves in the data. 

I can identify common demographics of those clusters and create audience personas. Then, using qualitative information from observations and other departments, we can determine other commonalities such as names, industries and interests.

Using R Language to Identify Segments

Marketing Message Creation

After segmenting audiences, my next step is match the audience's desired benefit with the offering of the company. Through the previous steps of research and profiling, this allows us to make sure our messaging is targeted to the customer's interests and not just the company's. Finding a mutually beneficial relationship is the key to messaging correctly. 

Marketing Channel Identification

While researching your audience and what messages would resonate with them, you should identify what channels those audiences use. If you send a message to the right audience on the wrong channel, it could spell disaster. It's important to identify what channels are the most important for getting your message out. 

Marketing Creative and Tactics

Now the rubber hits the road. It's time to connect the messages with the right audience at the right time. The trick is being able to determine how to communicate with the right audience. How does your audience want to receive the message? When is the right timing and what marketing medium will yield the best results?

Marketing Data Analytics and Measurement

If you don't measure a marketing campaign, was it ever really successful? Maybe, but you'll never be able to brag about it!

Measurement is one of the most key elements of marketing. Guaging how well your campaign did compared to the benchmarks or compared to what you thought it would do, is very important. 

I've been able to create executive leave KPI reporting using Power BI, LookerStudio, Google Sheets, Tableau, Google Analytics, and Excel.